Our Services

Solar Panel Installation: Provide installation services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients looking to switch to solar energy.

Solar Panel Maintenance: Offer routine maintenance and repair services to ensure optimal performance and longevity of solar panel systems.

Solar Energy Consultation: Provide consulting services to help clients determine the feasibility of solar energy solutions for their specific needs and requirements.

Solar Panel Financing: Offer financing options to make solar panel installations more accessible to customers, including leasing and financing plans.

Off-Grid Solutions: Design and install off-grid solar energy systems for clients in remote locations or those looking to reduce their reliance on the grid.

Solar Energy Monitoring: Implement monitoring systems to track the performance of solar panel installations and provide insights for optimization.

About Us

Your Trusted Clean Energy Partner

PVSUN Energy Limited: Powering Bangladesh’s Future with Solar Brilliance

In recent years, Bangladesh has been making significant strides towards sustainable and renewable energy sources to address the growing demand for electricity and combat environmental challenges. Among the pioneers in this movement is PVSUN Energy Limited, a company dedicated to providing comprehensive photovoltaic (PV) energy solutions. 

PVSUN Energy Limited is driven by a mission to deliver reliable, efficient, and cost-effective PV energy solutions to its clients. The company places a strong emphasis on environmental responsibility, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and promote green energy alternatives. PVSUN is guided by a set of core values, including innovation, integrity, customer satisfaction, and social responsibility.

Company Overview

PVSUN Energy Limited was founded with a vision to harness the abundant solar resources in Bangladesh and contribute to the nation’s energy security. The company focuses on designing, installing, and maintaining solar power systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients.

Complete PV Energy Solutions

PVSUN Energy Limited distinguishes itself by offering end-to-end PV energy solutions. From the initial consultation and site assessment to system design, installation, and ongoing maintenance, the company ensures a seamless and efficient transition to solar power. Their expertise covers both grid-tied and off-grid solar systems, providing clients with flexible options based on their energy requirements and geographic location.

Cutting-Edge Technology

To stay at the forefront of the industry, PVSUN Energy Limited incorporates cutting-edge solar technologies into its solutions. The company leverages the latest advancements in solar panels, inverters, and energy storage systems to optimize energy production, improve system reliability, and maximize return on investment for its clients.

Commitment to Sustainability

PVSUN Energy Limited is committed to promoting environmental sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint in Bangladesh. By encouraging the adoption of solar energy, the company contributes to the country’s efforts to achieve a cleaner and greener energy mix. The projects undertaken by PVSUN Energy align with the government’s vision for a sustainable and resilient energy future.

Community Engagement

Recognizing the importance of community involvement, PVSUN Energy Limited actively engages with local communities to raise awareness about the benefits of solar energy. The company conducts educational programs, workshops, and outreach initiatives to empower individuals and businesses with knowledge about renewable energy solutions.

Recent Ventures

Having recently entered the market, PVSUN Energy Limited has already made significant strides in securing projects across Bangladesh. The company’s commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction has garnered positive attention, establishing a solid foundation for its future growth and success.

Why it is Worth Choosing Us?

Quality Products: PVSUN Energy Limited may offer high-quality solar panels and related equipment. Ensuring the quality of components is essential for the long-term performance and reliability of a solar energy system.


Reliability: PVSUN Energy Limited may have a reputation for reliability in delivering products and services. Reliability is crucial when investing in solar energy, as customers want to ensure that the company, they choose will be there to support them throughout the lifespan of their solar system.


Customer Service: PVSUN Energy Limited may prioritize customer satisfaction and provide excellent customer service. From initial inquiries to installation and ongoing support, responsive and helpful customer service can make the solar energy transition smoother and more satisfying for customers.


Warranty and Support: PVSUN Energy Limited may offer competitive warranties on their products, providing customers with peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected against defects or performance issues. Additionally, reliable support services ensure that customers can quickly address any issues that may arise with their solar energy system.


Experience and Expertise: PVSUN Energy Limited may have a team of experienced professionals with expertise in solar energy technology, installation, and maintenance. Choosing a company with a proven track record in the industry can increase confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of their products and services.


At PVSUN Energy Limited, our mission is to catalyze the transformation of Bangladesh’s energy landscape by delivering comprehensive and sustainable photovoltaic (PV) energy solutions. We are committed to providing reliable, innovative, and affordable solar power solutions that empower individuals, businesses, and communities to harness the full potential of clean energy. Through our unwavering dedication to quality, environmental stewardship, and community engagement, we aim to contribute significantly to the country’s pursuit of a greener and more resilient future.


PVSUN Energy Limited envisions a Bangladesh where clean and renewable energy is the driving force behind a sustainable and thriving society. Our vision is to be a pioneering force in the adoption of photovoltaic technology, leading the charge toward a future where solar power is the backbone of the nation’s energy infrastructure. We aspire to be recognized as a trusted partner, renowned for our commitment to excellence, technological innovation, and positive impact on the environment. By fostering a culture of sustainability and promoting widespread access to solar energy, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change, lighting the way towards a brighter and cleaner tomorrow for Bangladesh.

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Your Trusted Clean Energy Partner